Hi! I’m Lauren Hackett, founder of CAVU. Thanks for being here!

Creating immaculate vibes is kind of my thing. A homebody since birth, I have always looked for ways to make life more beautiful at home. From rearranging my childhood bedroom, to becoming an architect, to learning the craft of furniture making, it has been my mission to spread beauty in the world. That’s where CAVU comes in. A source for contemporary furniture designed for modern life, our furniture makes the everyday feel extraordinary. If you have questions about bringing one of our pieces home, please jump on in to my inbox! Sign up for my newsletter and scroll down to learn more about my company values.

Our Purpose.

We create beauty and tranquility through furniture designed for modern living.

Our Process

We design our products in-house and collaborate with manufacturers in Oregon to produce our pieces.

Our Commitments.

The future of our planet is at the heart of our design values. Our products are heirloom quality, meaning their useful life will surpass our lifespans. Even with this level of durability, we design with waste reduction in mind. Each component of our furniture is produced from natural, recycled and/or fully recyclable materials. Components are easily separated for proper recycling, ensuring a path to landfill diversion. Purchasing our furniture means you can be sure your home reflects your values.

Questions? Jump into my inbox!
